Talk to Me.

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Twitter:                                                       @FinaBianco


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I don’t care which option you choose, but you’re awesome and I want to tell you about it.Thanks for sticking around, even through the ugly bits.

3 thoughts on “Talk to Me.

  1. Hello! I found your blog and was only able to read a few entries, though I wish I could read more. Very good writing. I am SOO sorry that you had to endure such abuse! I wanted to invite you to my blog if you would like. I got out of a psychologically abusive relationship, a little over a year ago, myself. I have been writing about my healing journey since last September, just after I stopped seeing my counselor. It was the only thing I could do. I didn’t know if there were others who had been in my spot, but I knew I had to find them, if there were. If I didn’t find anyone, writing is still a great type of therapy which I learned at a young age. I found soo many people! Everyone’s stories are shockingly similar…almost as if our lives were placed in a ‘cookie-cutter’ mold. We’re talking, on a global scale~

    Getting ready to move this weekend. time to pack 🙂

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